
2021年6月22日—It'sthecloudbackupfeature.Theerroronlyspecifiesfailedduetoabrokeninternetconnectionbugnothingelse.Strange,sincemyNAS ...,2020年12月30日—I'vebeengettingtheerrormessagementionedwhenDSMtriestodoanautomaticconfigurationbackup.Ialsogetthesameerror,whentrying ...,2022年3月4日—IamgettingaSystemconfigbackupfailedduetoabrokenInternetconnectionerroranytimeItrytoperformanAutomaticSystemBack...

Synology NAS System configuration backup failed

2021年6月22日 — It's the cloud backup feature. The error only specifies failed due to a broken internet connection bug nothing else. Strange, since my NAS ...

System config backup failed due to broken internet ...

2020年12月30日 — I've been getting the error message mentioned when DSM tries to do an automatic configuration backup. I also get the same error, when trying ...

System config backup failed due to a broken Internet ...

2022年3月4日 — I am getting a System config backup failed due to a broken Internet connection error anytime I try to perform an Automatic System Backup.


2021年8月15日 — If the automatic backup has failed, in Control Panel / Update & Restore / Configuration Backup tab, you will see the status of the backup marked ...

System configuration backup failed. Please go to the Log ...

2021年8月11日 — Broken internet connection in the logs. This is out of the blue and my network is running fine. Anyone else?

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
